Cloud over Water

A series of photographs taken over Loch Lochy as morning mist rose from off the still water.

The right moment, the right view can make all the difference. Reflecting water, a rising auttumn mist, a windless place: all the philosophy, all the metaphysics, one could wish for in a lifetime.
These photographs were taken early morning on Loch Lochy in the Highlands of Scotland. The end of October can be one of the most beautiful times there. Birches golden, bracken copper, deep glens deep in early frosts, tops of mountains snowed.
Perhaps a window of ten minutes existed before these mists dissipated into the pale blue skies.
I haven't looked at these images for a while. The depth and mirroring is so startling. Dimensions dissolve into a depth that seems to tingle the cerebellum.....
I hope you don't mind the long sequence of the images. I just get drawn in to the meditative stillness of similarity and difference.......
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