Death and the Maiden (a romance)

Combinations of photographic abstractions with evocative text. A continuation of explorations on the theme of Death, as depicted in Medieval iconography, a strange fragrance, a tangling of textures.

Continuing to work with the images I collected from the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. This series is work towards a combination of images and texts. Initially, I considered using calligraphic elements ( which I still plan to experiment with), but tried out a few with a clear font to see what it looked like. There is a play off between readability and  image that I would like to balance. I like the rhythmic flow of cursive writing, but it becomes more a pattern element than another layer of meaning. Maybe I will include both together and separately.
I have continued to extract textured elements from the few original photographic images, enlarging the digital image  to near destruction of identification in some cases. The liminal subject matter fits the theme, which seems to be a love story between Death and a mortal girl. Not quite horror, not quite romance, but something to do with mortality and immortality, and yearning for whatever one is not.
Maybe this will come together as a book of images and words. Please feel free to make comments - I am reaching for resolutions and variables at the moment.
This is one of the original images from which many of the subsequent pages have derived. The text is a collection of fragments written in response to the theme or from some old writings recently rediscovered.
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