Rune Equations

Images of decorated wooden bowls chosen to illustrate and illuminate text on rune symbolism.

These images were modified from photographs of some of my decorated wooden bowls. They were to illustrate and illuminate "Rune Equations", written to explore the internal symbolism of the Northern European runes, particularly the Northumbrian, or English runes.
The rather stark, print-like imagery fading relentlessly from darkness to light suits the cthonic and magical subject matter. Reminiscent also of the later works of Alchemy and medieval grimoires.
This was a mock-up of the cover. The final font chosen was slightly different.
Three Worlds.
Most of the images reflect the internal dynamics of the rune system that themselves reflect the threefold and fourfold divisions of the subtle and physical worlds.
Four Quarters
The English runes are divided into four sections, reflecting the four quarters of space, whilst the individual runes themselves are based on a threefold division, denoting their sublime and spiritual origin.
The interaction of a few primal energies creates all the universal complexity.
Count One
The numerical arrangement of the rune alphabet lends itself to visual coding. This embeds meaning well below the level of the rational mind and allows for a greater playfulness in design.
Earthly Divisions
A characteristic of my rune designs is the combination of rune staves (letters) with rune codes. In terms of magical and divinatory use,  this encourages a more intuitive analysis.
The thirty-two runes of the English runes are named from the sound values of their first six letters F-U-TH-O-R-C.
Manifesting Planes
Runes are intimately connected with trees and the energy of wood. I often give them a branching system of roots. This also reflects on their complex interactions and ramifications on all levels of existence.
Rune Roots 2
Spiralling Rune Wheel
World Tree
The image of the World Tree is a symbolic representation of all levels of existence. The runes themselves can be seen as the patterns of force that arise spontaneously from within the World Tree. Here the number of roots, bboughs and branches form a self-contained rune-code divination system to those who understand the patterns of rune formation.
If you are interested in seeing the completed book, it can be seen at my shop on Blurb ( > shop > Simon H Lilly )
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