Sequence One

A long sequence of dark/light lines. A something of nothing returning to a new something (or nothing). The sage scribbles, scratches his arse, realities explode, or stay the same.

I remember when I was three or four, little flick-books of cartoons - Tom and Jerry, Tweetypie - that became animated images, movement on the page, the illusion of movement.
This long sequence, a time lapse, a development of thought, a walk along a path through new landscapes, a minimalist piece of ambient music, an exploration of small change, a little more than nothing, nto quite a history  of everything. Metaphysical or existential, a view in or a view out, abstracted thought, preserved motion, a road going nowhere, travelling from here to there, unmoving.
This piece originally edited and illustrating (interluding) a long written piece that you can find somewhere on
Less art, more a meditative view.........
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