Sky Alphabets

an exploration of the calligraphic gesture as meaningless meaning. Mind manifesting. Nothing becomes something and returns to nothing, leaving a little meaning, a little poetry, a whisper, a breath….

A continuing series of works exploring the movements between mind and hand, the arising and dissolution of meaning.
In Tibetan Buddhist tradition, certain teachings were hidden for future times, to be found by a specific individual in specific circumstances. Some were hidden in rock, some in the elements, some given to invisible spirit guardians, and some hidden within the minds of incarnate disciples.... and what is inspiration, if not the arising of mind terma? And who can say what has arisen anew, and within what mind?
sky alphabet1
sky alphabet2
sky alphabet3
" for this sparkling awareness
which is called mind...
it does not actually exist"
" for this sparkling awareness
which is called mind...
it does not actually exist"
sky alphabet 4
sky alphabet 5
sky alphabet 6
"....even though [Mind is} one,
you can not look for it in any particular direction....."
sky alphabet 7
sky alphabet 8
sky alphabet 9
".. spreading rumours of places they have not seen..
they do not recognise their own nature, and so the wander
among the six destinies, within the three worlds...."
sky alphabet 10
sky alphabet 11
Quotes taken from the terma of Padmasambhava called: "Self-liberation through seeing with naked awareness"
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