Stone Cold Flesh

Details of a marble memorial. The dark and light of death and hope; sensuality, the folded breath; stone cold flesh, the smooth falling moment.

Unexpectedly came across this wonderful memorial sculpture in a small church in Old Radnor, Wales, UK. Radnorshire is the least populated of all the counties of Wales and England. It is  a very hilly, folded and upland area on the borderland between the two countries. Old Radnor church is quite old (many Welsh churches were 'improved' in the 19th century), but this was the only substantial memorial, apart from the font, which was carved from a Bronze Age standing stone!. Typically overblown baroque, the skill of the sculptor can be easily overlooked, particularly when the white marble can disguise the incredible detail that has gone into it (for example, the stitching on the hem of the gown). With these images I have simply taken small details and played with the contrast a little.
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