Stone Woven Light

A selection of architectural and philosophical spaces with accompanying words. A meditation on the past, on belief and on the dreams of stone.

Images of the interior of Exeter Cathedral., England.
Words dreaming about those interior spaces
and the long dead who created them.
It may be that these come together, perhaps as prints, perhaps calligraphy, in book form at some point.
A thin, cool shell.
A golden cup
For space.
Earth wells up,
Slow bubbled bliss
Under flags and brass.
Remnant, skull.
A forest for song.
A forest for silence.
A carpenter's house, 
A house of edge and curve.
A metaphysical machine,
A gravity well compacting creation
Into one stone shell.
Languages gathered ( towering to heaven)
Light, memory, word, life.
Thrones, Dominions, Seraphim.
The dangerous beauty, the thin line.
Transubstantiation - stone to forest,
Light to liquid, tears to glass,
Memory to porphyry, the world
Shadowed, brilliant boat of heaven,
Ark beached, upturned, inhabited.
Dust motes dancing -
The souls delighted, the souls
A condensation of merit
And tears, and beating blood.
A lithophone, an organ
For reverberation.
We are slowly digested,
( the enzymes of faith),
Becoming less, and more, 
Of ourselves- 
Becoming one of the waiting.
Echoed whispers.
Slow light
Fading slowly.
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