The Continuity of Dreaming

"The Continuity of Dreaming" is a pictorial essay on the nature of the mind and its many levels. Reality seems consistent only because we limit the parameters of our attention. Most of what is happening within us and in the world 'outside' us is beyond our conscious knowledge. The spontaneous and tactile processes of the app. I used allowed experimentation with imagery reminiscent of Taoist magical diagrams and talismans, as well as Indian Tantric yantras, that have magical and meditational functions.

"A Drift of Memes"
This is a series of simple images suggestive of the different levels of mental activity always happening below our 'normal', conversational mind. Motifs suggest hidden processes, neurons firing, structures emerging and dissappearing , all according to their own natures, and beyond the limited awareness of the conscious mind.
My main concept is that of the title: that dreaming visualisations and other thought stories are more or less continuous in all states of awareness. Just that we are rarely aware of what is happening below the surface. Settle the mind, take it inwards and before long you will be surprised by imagery and complex fantasies that seen to spring from no obvious source, (unless, of course, that is just me.......!)
All these images were created on iPad with the 'Zen Brush' app. This has the tendency to allow semi-automatic processes to take shape, echoing the welling up of the deep mind or 'unconscious mind'.
"The Continuity of Dreaming"
"Seed Thoughts"
"The Art of Memory"
"Hypnagogic Tides"
"The Gravitation of Sleep"
"Spiral Time"
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